swahili - Encourage Development; Promote Development
quinta-feira, abril 26, 2012
Hoje não é o Dia Mundial da Malária…
segunda-feira, março 05, 2012
failure to approach or failure of projects?
sábado, fevereiro 25, 2012
UNESCO e África após a entrada da Palestina
Banksi - Campanha de Solidariedade com a Palestina
segunda-feira, setembro 20, 2010
The most uncommon applications that you can give to paper and recycled cardboard tubes.
See more here

sexta-feira, setembro 17, 2010
Per Diems: To pay or not to pay? That is the question.
My experience in Mozambique in this issue is very rich!! The Mozambican government decided to increase the per diem amount for the civil servants – I think it was in 2007. Today, a civil servant received, for a working day out of their office, half of his salary. This makes any sense?!
I think we should balance things. The civil servants, local communities, etc, should receive for the additional cost of leaving their houses (accommodation, food and transport). What I can’t understand is that people refuse to participate in trainings just because you can’t pay extra expenditures.
"This paper is intended to spark debate on the use of per diems, particularly as compensation for community members to participate in development initiatives, but also more broadly as compensation for development organization employees. Like all controversial topics, there are many points of view. We encourage your participation in this debate.
In 2008, I was working for an international non-governmental organization (INGO) in Ethiopia. I remember going to the field to carry out an evaluation exercise with a local NGO and a few community groups that were testing an Asset-based Community Development approach. In principle, our stance was that if initiatives were truly citizen-led and community-driven, then people should not expect to be paid per diems for volunteering to participate in a task they had initially defined and designed themselves, and therefore presumably considered important. In the case of this evaluation exercise, the idea was that it was participatory and the results would assist in the group’s decision-making about how to move forward."
sábado, julho 17, 2010

Ler todo o artigo aqui na revista THE ECONOMIST
sexta-feira, julho 09, 2010

12 de Janeiro de 2010, o Haiti é alvo de um terramoto que viria a devastar todo o país.
Rapidamente todas as equipas de reportagem do mundo inteiro convergem para este cenário apocalíptico; procura-se mobilizar recursos e coordenar intervenções de ajuda humanitária.
Assistimos a belas imagens de salvamento, assim como há mais dura realidade de procura de sobrevivência, a todo o custo.
6 meses passaram e o Haiti já saiu à muito dos nossos ecrãs.
Resta-nos a Agência de Noticias Haitiana para fazer essa ligação.